Barcelona often gets the reputation of being a big, noisy and touristy city where you can't get any peace. If you actively seek the sites in every guidebook, yes it will be, but I think there's more to the Catalonian capital than that. Take the Parc del Laberint d'Horta, for instance, located away from the city centre and walking distance from L3 Mundet metro station.
It's the oldest park in Barcelona, apparently, and it's wonderful to walk through or sit in for an hour or so. The maze is by no means one of those easy, get-it-done-in-five-minutes ones, and there are some lovely water features to admire too.
There is a small entrance fee, except on Sunday afternoons and the first Sunday of the month. So, if you find yourself in Barcelona on a Sunday and looking for some peace and quiet away from the city's hustle and bustle, it's a great journey to make. It's one I'd love to make more, particularly if I have a good book to take with me.